Services Overview
Waters Edge offers a variety of services to assist our clients. Many of these services involve protecting public and private infrastructure or assisting development projects in minimizing their environmental impact.
Wave action is a specialized area of study that most people and other professionals do not fully comprehend. Waters Edge brings this specialized service to the BC Interior, along with practical solutions for effective projects.
Wave action is responsible for most damages and sediment transport processes on lakes, from scour at seawalls to marinas with ineffective breakwaters. If you are planning to do any work on the lake, please contact a professional to assist you with understanding the impacts of your planned works. As locals, we hope you will call us!
Waters Edge Engineering brings quality, value, and innovation to any project.
Our Waterfront Services:
- Flood Planning and Emergency Response
- Shoreline Planning & Erosion Protection
- Marinas and Breakwaters
- Sediment Transport Impacts
- Creeks and Water Resources
As a small local firm, Waters Edge is versatile in teaming with other firms, big or small, to provide the specialized experience that a design or planning team may need. We often team locally with the many other disciplines needed for projects, such as:
Projects we can assist you with:
- Waterfront parks
- Marina development, siting and navigational requirements
- Dock, pier or wharf for public or private use
- Breakwater, groyne or other wave attenuation
- Sediment transport assessments and prescriptions
- Erosion and scour prevention
- Beach retention
- Bank protection, with many innovative options
- Shoreline enhancement, including bio-engineering
- Stormwater management plans
- Grading plans
- Erosion & sediment control plans
- Development Consulting Services
- Flood Hazard Assessments
- Stream gauging, measurement, and monitoring
- Infrastructure Design